Message from the president

Dearest members and friends of CTB,
Welcome to the Chamber of Thrift Banks’ official website!
The Internet has paved the way for various organizations and the community itself to connect and communicate. As a part of our commitment on creating an institutional medium where our members can collectively assist and cooperate with each other, we took the big step of going online. With the technology advancements and the help of the Internet, it will be easier for us to produce and disseminate valuable information, data resources, and adequate assistance to our members whenever, wherever. This website contains information about the organization, projects as well as the latest updates and the stand of CTB towards the issues that directly affect the banking industry. CTB wants to encourage everyone to utilize our online resources and to stay updated through our news and announcements being posted on this website.
News & Events
DBM Chief at the CTB GMM
2024 CTB Convention – Ribbon cutting ceremony
Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) Board Induction
Bangko Sentral Chief inducts Chamber of Thrift Banks Board
Bangko Sentral Chief inducts Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) Board
Related Laws / IRR
- RA 7906 – Thrift Banks Act
- RA 8791-General Banking Act of 2000
- Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations for RA 9160 as amended by RA 9194
- RA 9160 – Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001
- RA 10023 – An Act Authorizing the Issuance of Free Patents to Residential Lands
- RA 10000 – The Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009
- BSP Circular 736 – IRR on Agri-Agra Credit Reform Act of 2009
- RA 9856 – The Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Act of 2009
- Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Credit Information System Act
- RA 9510 – Credit Information System Act
Major Accomplishments
- Put together a Uniform Loan and Mortgage Agreement or ULAMA, a document that is now used by the industry for home buyers and mortgage lenders which sped up transactions, reduced legal risk, and promoted transparency. The Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) initiated and took the lead and collaborated with the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on getting many parties to agree on a document acceptable to the industry.
- Accreditation of Thrift Banks in the British Embassy’s Bank Certification Verification System (BCVS), a mechanism by which the Embassy can verify or validate via electronic mode the authenticity of the Bank Certification issued by the banks to their depositors for visa application purposes.
- Accreditation of CTB member-banks in BAP Data Exchange’s Online Loandex System and Positive Data Sharing System
- Grant of BSP authority for RBUs of TBs to invest in readily marketable foreign currency-denominated debt instruments
- Grant of BSP authority for TBs to engage in FX swaps and forwards transactions to fund purchases of foreign currency denominated instruments
- Successful conduct of CTB training program on Compliance Function in Banks (which benefited 56 participants from 29 member-banks) and Risk Management & Audit (which benefited 70 participants from 30 thrift-banks).
Members Only

CTB Circulars
This section contains all announcements, memorandums and circulars from the Chamber of Thrift Banks.

BSP Circulars
This section contains all announcements, memorandums and circulars from the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Please login to view files.

CTB Materials
In this section, CTB members are granted access to speeches, write-ups and presentation materials from previous gath. Please login to view files.