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Brief History of the
Chamber of Thrift Banks

The umbrella organization of the country’s thrift banks was organized in 1974 as the Chamber of Savings and Development Banks, and was then composed of 10 savings banks, 28 private development banks and 44 savings and loan associations. It was organized primarily “to provide an institutional medium through which the members can collectively assist and cooperate with one another, with other members of the banking sector, and with the National Government and its instrumentalities, more particularly the Central Bank of the Philippines (now known as the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas) to promote, develop, expand and strengthen the role of savings and loan associations, private development banks and savings and mortgage banks...

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Chamber of Thrift Banks

"Moving Forward in 2009 through Responsive, Responsible Banking"

As seen in the picture, from left to right Ms. Floredelis F. Aguenza, Mr. Benjamin S. Oliva, Ms. Suzzane I. Felix, Deputy Govenor Nestor Espenilia, Jr., Mr. Pascual M. Garcia III and Rogelio M. Florete in the ribbon cutting ceremony of the 2009 Speakers Convention.

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Chamber of Thrift Banks

"Moving Forward in 2009 through Responsive, Responsible Banking"
Sen. Chiz Escudero addresses the chamber and gives light to the legislative agenda affecting the banking sector namely, the PDIC coverage on Bank Deposits, Rural Bank Act of 1992, Central Bank Act and General Banking Law of 2000.

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Chamber of Thrift Banks

"Moving Forward in 2009 through Responsive, Responsible Banking"
Finance secretary Margarito Teves graces the Speakers Convention by giving a talk on why Filipinos should keep the positive energy flowing despite the raging global financial turmoil. His speech included tips on how to keep afloat using different economic techniques to improve fiscal performance.

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Message from the president

Dear Members and Friends,

Greetings and welcome to the Chamber of Thrift Banks’ Official website! This platform has been thoughtfully designed to serve as a comprehensive resource for our members, clients, and the communities we serve.

Here, you’ll find information about our association’s activities and the latest industry insights. Our mission is to foster collaboration and innovation within the thrift banking sector, and this website is a key tool in achieving that. I encourage you to explore the resources available, stay informed, and join us in our endeavors. The website will facilitate collaboration among our members. Our commitment to promoting thrift banks and their role in fostering financial inclusion remains strong.

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News & Events

DBM Chief at the CTB GMM

Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Amenah Pangandaman receives a token of appreciation from CTB and Sterling Bank of...
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2024 CTB Convention – Ribbon cutting ceremony

The Chamber of Thrift Banks held its annual convention with the theme “Chamber of Thrift Banks @ 50: AI in...
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Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) Board Induction

The 2024 CTB Board of Trustees were inducted by DOF Assistant Secretary Eufrocinio Bernabe, Jr. during the recently concluded general...
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Bangko Sentral Chief inducts Chamber of Thrift Banks Board

The 2023 CTB Board of Trustees were recently inducted by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Felipe Medalla during the...
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Bangko Sentral Chief inducts Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) Board

The 2022 CTB Board of Trustees were recently inducted by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Benjamin Diokno during their...
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The Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) convened its virtual three-day annual convention, with the theme ‘Thrift Banks: Moving Forward to...
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Major Accomplishments
  • Put together a Uniform Loan and Mortgage Agreement or ULAMA, a document that is now used by the industry for home buyers and mortgage lenders which sped up transactions, reduced legal risk, and promoted transparency. The Chamber of Thrift Banks (CTB) initiated and took the lead and collaborated with the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on getting many parties to agree on a document acceptable to the industry.
  • Accreditation of Thrift Banks in the British Embassy’s Bank Certification Verification System (BCVS), a mechanism by which the Embassy can verify or validate via electronic mode the authenticity of the Bank Certification issued by the banks to their depositors for visa application purposes.
  • Accreditation of CTB member-banks in BAP Data Exchange’s Online Loandex System and Positive Data Sharing System
  • Grant of BSP authority for RBUs of TBs to invest in readily marketable foreign currency-denominated debt instruments
  • Grant of BSP authority for TBs to engage in FX swaps and forwards transactions to fund purchases of foreign currency denominated instruments
  • Successful conduct of CTB training program on Compliance Function in Banks (which benefited 56 participants from 29 member-banks) and Risk Management & Audit (which benefited 70 participants from 30 thrift-banks).

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Members Only

CTB Circulars

This section contains all announcements, memorandums and circulars from the Chamber of Thrift Banks.

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BSP Circulars

This section contains all announcements, memorandums and circulars from the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Please login to view files.

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CTB Materials

In this section, CTB members are granted access to speeches, write-ups and presentation materials from previous gath. Please login to view files.

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